Cathy Griffith – Pancreatic Cancer Patient Advocate

The Sideline Cancer Golf Tournament 2025 – Hosted By Mr. Shawn McCarl
June 13th, 2025 Sideline Cancer® Golf Tournament Information
Cathy Griffith Named to Pennsylvania Business Central’s Top 100 People of 2025
Sideline Cancer Patient Assistance Program | Sponsorship
$10,500 raised for cancer patient in Sideline Cancer finale game
If you want to notify someone about this gift, please leave YOUR email in the box indicated and an acknowledgment of your donation will be sent to the family by the Griffith Family Foundation.
If you have a donation you would like to mail to us,
please make your check payable to
“Sideline Cancer”
and mail it to:
The Griffith Family Foundation
P.O. Box 28
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648
If you’re experiencing any difficulty with this donation form, please call Cathy Griffith at (814) 937-1082.
Important #ICAN Moments
In July 2019, The Griffith Family Foundation’s Message of Hope was broadcast big and bold in New York City’s Times Square!
In July 2020, with an #ICANattitude and a #BelieveAlwaysSpirit, Mo Creek nailed a three pointer to send the Sideline Cancer TBT team to the FINALS!
Sideline Cancer®
Through the Sideline Cancer Movement, the Griffith Family Foundation connects patients, doctors, and communities!
Greg Griffith’s
Legacy of Love
Greg’s own words set the direction for our foundation. Watch his inspiring speech from our foundation’s in augural dinner:
Sideline Cancer
TBT 2020 Promo
As Greg once said, “The time for a cure is NOW!” The TBT has allowed us to reach a larger community to provide hope for a cure.
Sideline Cancer®
This brief video shows how YOU can help Sideline Cancer® take Pancreatic Cancer off the sideline and to the finish line for a cure!
From the beginning, our #ICAN Sideline Cancer Student Initiative has been connecting patients, doctors, and communities through advocacy, awareness, and funding for Pancreatic Cancer Research. From 2012-2020 Sideline Cancer raised $300,000 for Pancreatic Cancer Research.
Starting in 2022, Sideline Cancer rolled out a new initiative, the Patient Assistance Program which allows school communities to come together in support of a patient battling cancer. Since it’s inception in 2022, Sideline Cancer’s Patient Assistance Program has donated over $200,000 to support 40+ patients in the communities of Central, PA and beyond!
Thank you to our sponsors for their continued support of our Sideline Cancer® Initiative!