June 14, 2015

The Sideline Cancer basketball team has earned a bid to play in the 2nd “The Basketball Tournament”. The 97 team tournament is single elimination and the winning team will win a $1,000,000 prize.
Penn State Altoona Senior Joel Redfoot, who is a Hollidaysburg Area High School graduate, was selected to the “Good Works” team for his involvement in community organizations.
The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) is the world’s oldest and largest professional association related to cancer research. The AACR focuses on all aspects of cancer research, including basic, clinical, and translational research in the etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer.
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) is a professional organization representing physicians of all oncology subspecialties who care for people with cancer. Founded in 1964, ASCO currently has more than 30,000 members.
Gregory W. Griffith was born in York, PA on July 3, 1961 to Donald and Ann Griffith. Greg had a wonderful childhood and had two sisters, Jean and Barb.