December 12, 2011

“Put Your Pants On” CarePages post from Greg Griffith on March 24, 2010

This is a message we all need to hear at different times in our lives!

I was feeling a little down this morning (feeling sorry for myself) when I turned to a book a friend gave me. The book was written by Dodie Osteen and entitled “Healed of Cancer.” Cath has mentioned this book on carepages in the past but it is the first time I picked it up and read it. It is a very spiritual book about faith but one of the things that impressed me was Dodie’s lunch bucket approach to life. I came away from the book not feeling sorry for myself but with a need to put my pants on and get moving. CONTINUE READING

November 30, 2011

Griff’s Run and Gun 2012 Video

The video below features the program from the dinner and silent auction as well as highlights from the 3-on-3 basketball tournament and golf outing. CONTINUE READING

November 16, 2011

The Griffith’s Story

It’s our desire that this website be a place for all those affected by pancreatic cancer to have their questions answered and receive support from those who’ve gone through similar situations. We believe, with this goal in mind, that this site is the first of its kind. We hope that the Griffith’s experience, as told by Cathy Griffith, will be the beginning of fulfilling that mission.

On Saturday, January 30th, Greg played two hours of basketball. He was the high scorer in the game and felt great throughout. At four o’clock that afternoon, we went to church, and I noticed that Greg looked a little yellow. Afterwards, we went to dinner. Greg said he wasn’t hungry.

November 4, 2011

“Godwinks” Story Featured on

A story based on “Godwinks: A Story of Faith, Family, Community and Love” by Jen LaConte appeared on the website of widely distributed Men’s Health magazine. It’s exciting to think about more people getting to hear about Greg’s inspiring story! Check out the link here:

Taking Up The Banner Against Cancer: Fun runs, charity rides, and other events celebrate lives—and raise money to fight a dreaded disease

October 17, 2011

“Local Man Inspires with Fight Against Cancer” from WTAJ

Greg was featured in this episode of Healthcast on WTAJ on August 11, 2010:

Local Man Inspires with Fight Against Cancer

October 15, 2011

Greg and “Acutonics” from WTAJ

Greg was featured in a story about “acutonics” and how they can be part of the greater healing process on WTAJ on March 3, 2011:

Acutonics–Tuning Forks that Heal

October 12, 2011

October 11, 2011

A Message From Cathy Griffith

Our mission is to one day see a world without pancreatic cancer. And for that matter, to see cancer of all types completely eliminated from our world!

How do we go about doing that? The answer is simple: by giving it to God and asking His Spirit to guide us as instruments to help “FUND a cure!” What makes us unique from other cancer research foundations is that our mission is driven by the Holy Spirit. With God in control, we believe that we will see a cure for pancreatic cancer. CONTINUE READING

October 10, 2011

Greg Griffith – Running and Gunning with the Angels – August 26th, 2011

As written on page 13 in the Hollidaysburg/Blair County Hometown Magazine October 2011 Edition:

Greg Griffith went home to be with the Lord on August 26, 2011.  He had survived 19 months with stage 4 pancreatic and liver cancer.

Greg had a wonderful last month of his life.  Booker Moore, President of L.R. Webber and Associates orchestrated a wonderful Greg Griffith night at the Altoona Curve on August 16th. CONTINUE READING