December 7, 2012

Griff’s Run and Gun 2012 — 3-on-3 Tournament
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On this month’s show, Cathy first talks with Susan Davies and Lynn Auerback-Kaplain, who have both had family members effected by pancreatic cancer, about their experiences and their efforts to battle the disease. In the show’s second segment, she talks with Vanessa Schenk, Joyce Gray, and Nicole Fedeli-Turiano of the Home Nursing Agency about their interaction with Greg and her and their roles with the agency. CONTINUE READING
Dr. A James Moser and Dr. Mark Callery recently performed a robot-assisted pancreatectomy at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. The state-of-the-art surgery was the first in the Boston area. CONTINUE READING
Most of you are probably farmiliar with Jack Andraka by now, but in case you’re not, he’s the 15-year-old who’s developed a ground-breaking early detection test for pancreatic, ovarian, and lung cancers.
Jack spoke about his research at the third annual Griff’s Run and Gun Dinner and Silent Auction this July, and has been an active supporter of The Greg and Cathy Griffith Family Foundation and the AFFPC CONTINUE READING
If you know Cathy Griffith you may have noticed the necklace she wears with a picture of her and Greg inside. This was a gift given to her by Tracy and Sally Fownes after Greg had passed. It is a Tiffany-style sterling necklace, in which you can place any locket-sized picture. CONTINUE READING
On this month’s show, Cathy talks with Bill Shuster, the Pennsylvania Representative to the United States Congress and Victoria Mirenda, General Sales Manager at The Casino at Lakemont. CONTINUE READING
On this month’s show, Cathy talks with Donn Stubbs, a friend and Hollidaysburg basketball teammate of Greg Griffith, and Allison Stubbs, a family friend of the Griffith’s, about their involvement with Griff’s Run and Gun and the foundation as a whole. In the second segment Cathy discusses the role of the caregiver and helping those in need with Geraldine Pontzer and Francine Endler, both of whom have experience with providing care and attend St. Michael’s Parish in Hollidaysburg.
On this month’s show, Cathy talks with Diane Zink, a family friend and committee member for the foundation; Elsie Gibney, Director of Community Relations for the Altoona Curve; and Jennifer Gehl, a Certified Acutonics Practitioner and Instructor. CONTINUE READING
This video features highlights from Greg’s speeches at the 2010 and 2011 Griff’s Run and Gun Dinners.