In a remarkable turn of events, the Sideline Cancer organization celebrated a triumphant victory at the Select Events Winter Series 1 in Manheim, PA. This marked the second year for the Girls AAU Elementary Teams to showcase their talent at the prestigious Spooky Nook Sports Complex. Last year, Sideline Cancer faced challenges in this highly competitive tournament, with their best team managing an 8-8 record across four events. However, this year was a different story, as the teams emerged with newfound strength and determination. The 5th Grade Girls displayed an impressive performance, securing a flawless 4-0 record, while the 8th Grade Girls mirrored their success, also claiming the championship with a perfect 4-0 record. The Sideline Cancer teams not only redeemed themselves from the previous year’s struggles but also demonstrated resilience and excellence on the court. This victory not only signifies their athletic prowess but also serves as a powerful testament to the organization’s commitment to raising funds for cancer patients. Sideline Cancer continues to shine both on and off the court, making a lasting impact in the fight against cancer.
To host a Sideline Cancer Event click here : HOST A SIDELINE CANCER EVENT
To show your support and help raise awareness you can purchase your Sideline Cancer apparel here : Sideline Cancer
Follow Sideline Cancer on Instagram here : @sidelinecanceraau