June 6, 2017

Sideline Cancer Accepted Into TBT 2017!

A huge, heartfelt “THANK YOU!” to all of you who went through the process of voting for the Sideline Cancer team!


May 6, 2017

Project Survival Update

In appreciation for the continued, generous support of the Greg and Cathy Griffith Family Foundation, the Pancreas and Liver Institute is pleased to submit this update on our efforts related to Project Survival and our goal of finding a cure for pancreatic cancer.


April 23, 2017

Cathy Griffith Biography

Cathy Griffith – Founder and President of The Greg & Cathy Griffith Family Foundation 

Cathy graduated from Hollidaysburg Area High School and attended Allegheny College of Maryland and received an Associate Arts degree in Dental Hygiene and worked as a Dental Hygienist in the Blair County Area for 32 years! In 2010 my Beloved Husband Greg Griffith was diagnosed with stage IV Pancreatic Cancer at the age of 48…


April 10, 2017

Sideline Cancer Collaborative Presentation with SFU

A special “Thanks!” Lisa Georgiana Director of The Center for Service & Learning at St. Francis University for an outstanding Sideline Cancer collaborative presentation consisting of the various initiatives at SFU that are actively involved in Cancer Advocacy and Awareness!


April 7, 2017

Cal Can Relay for Life

Morgan Jennings, an intern for the GFF/Sideline Cancer, is a member of the California University of Pennsylvania Women’s Basketball Team. For Relay for Life, Morgan introduced Sideline Cancer as an idea for a fundraiser to her team.


March 31, 2017

History of the Griffith Family Foundation

Cathy and Greg Griffith

The history of the Griffith Family Foundation is a tragic but inspiring chapter in the story of Greg and Cathy Griffith.


Let’s Win PC

In the summer of 2015, Cathy had the great privilege of meeting Anne Friedman Glauber at the North American Pancreatic Cancer Meeting.


March 15, 2017

New Research Leading to New Treatment

From FOX25 in Boston:

“Doctors and researchers at the Cancer Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center are on the cusp of a major breakthrough that could change how pancreatic cancer patients are treated.


March 7, 2017

DDNC Legislative Policy Forum 2017/ 115th Congress

The Griffith Family Foundation/Sideline Cancer Youth Initiative was proud to take the following students/volunteers to Washington D.C. to the 27th annual Public Policy Forum for the Digestive Disease National Coalition: Caitlyn Edgell, Marissa Lombardi, Sierra Cobler, Joel Redfoot, Mary Ann Redfoot, Bonnie Waltz, and Kaitlin Farnan.


December 6, 2016

DDNC’s Plans for the Future

During 2016, Cathy served as Secretary of The Digestive Disease National Coalition (DDNC) and was recently nominated in December to serve as Vice Chair of the DDNC.

She will be attending the Annual DDNC meeting March 5th and 6th where they will discuss strategies on how to build momentum for funding for the #CancerMoonShot2020.